“What were you thinking?! Look what you’ve done to my bicycle… and all the cupcakes I’m supposed to deliver!” she shouted. She waited angrily for the driver to come out. Then slowly, the driver of the red sports car emerged from behind the door and shut it behind him. He was tall and good-looking. Dark-brown hair fell over his forehead and dark shades covered his eyes. He wore tailored suits and branded leather shoes. This, too, was not another ordinary person, she thought.
For a moment, she forgot what she was angry about. For a moment, she seemed to lose her voice and wits at the same time.
“Well, how nice. A very warm welcome.”
Lily snapped into reality. She shook her head vigorously and eyed the tall man with displease. His voice sounded cynical, cold and monotonic. She even thought it sounded irritating.
“Hey! Didn’t you notice you just ran over my bicycle and ruined all the cupcakes I was supposed to deliver?! Who’s gonna pay for this?” she suddenly got back to her senses. The man gave her a sideways glance, as if she was a mere weed unworthy of looking.
“Oh, that was your bicycle? I didn’t notice.” he replied coldly.
“What, are you blind or something?! I was supposed to deliver those cupcakes for the party in that house! Now I have no cupcakes to deliver and it’s all your fault!
Hearing her words, the man took off his glasses and stared straight towards her. He had ice-blue eyes which reminded her of the North Pole.
“What did you just say?”
“I said it’s your fault! You should pay for all this mess!”
“No… not that. The other one before. What was it again?” The man slowly approached her with an as-if-I-didn't-hear look on his face. Lily hesitated. She wasn’t really sure what she should say, but nonetheless, “I said, were you blind or something? Next time don’t wear dark-glasses while you’re driving!”
“Hey, watch it you… you filthy delivery girl! You have no idea who you’re talking to.”
“Well I don’t care! You ruined my bicycle, idiot!”
The man lifted his hands and nearly wanted to hit her, but he stopped in mid air. Lily stood there, quite surprised with the man’s reaction, but she tried hard not to show it. She stared at the man’s fist before he slowly lowered them and turned around.
“You better get your filthy foot off these grounds before I squash you to pieces like your stupid cupcakes!”
“For what, bitch?! Look at the scratches on my Jaguar. Do you think that’s cheaper than your rusty bicycle??”
“Well next time watch where you’re going!!”
It was just too much for the man. He had never before met someone as stubborn and noisy as this young lady. At least not in his face. He took out his cell phone and dialled a number.
“Security, there’s a crazy woman in front of my house and she’s just ruined my Jaguar. Drag her out quickly.” He reported through the phone. After ending the call, he replaced his phones into his pockets and smiled wickedly towards her. His serves-you-right expression even raised her anger to boiling point. Lily’s mouth shot open with surprise. Now she’s the bad guy?!
“Hey! Hey you! I did not even touch that stupid car of yours! You evil, heartless moron! If I knew someone like you lived here, I wouldn’t have dreamed of coming in the first place!”
He simply walked away towards the mansion and ignored her. At the same time, two men wearing all-black outfits ran towards the scene. They approached her and gripped both her arms tightly. “Miss, we order you to leave this place immediately.” One of them said. Lily resisted and struggled to free herself.
“I can find my own way out. Let me go!”
She looked towards the man who strode confidently towards the mansion; his home. She should have known it all along. No wonder he was all snobbish and proud. He didn’t even want to admit his own fault! A lump of hatred formed inside her chest. What just happened only proved her right all this time. Rich people are all selfish and arrogant.
To Be Continued...
such a moron and heartless orang kaya kalau macam ni kan..*sigh~marah pon tak gune -_-'
saba fiza sabar.. jgn emo hahaha
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