The mall wasn’t as stuffed as it was on a weekend. Lily rarely gets to go shopping anyway, so she didn’t manage to notice how many people there were on particular days. She eyed the arrays of exclusive shops and boutiques lined side by side around her with wonder. She didn’t like this. Her heart felt like bursting apart any moment with anxiety. But Alex didn’t seem like wanting to explain. He just kept on walking and walking with a completely stern look on his face.
“I demand explanation for all this, moron!” she exclaimed desperately. Alex walked in silence. Lily had a hard time trying to catch up with his long strides. They kept on walking along the rows of shops for ten whole minutes, going up escalators and along corridors, until they reached a marvellously decorated two-lot boutique. There were clothed dolls on the display window, showing off fashionable clothing Lily would never dream of wearing. Alex entered the shop while Lily hesitated behind.
“Come on, slowpoke.” Alex looked back and uttered with his half-smile expression. Lily gulped.
“This is where people like me usually shop. My friend is having a party at his house this Saturday, so I was thinking of bringing you along. That is also why we’re here; to pick up something decent for you to wear on that day.” Alex finally told her. Lily could hardly believe her ears.
“What are you talking about? Of course I’m not going!” she retorted.
“Of course you are, you’re my girlfriend now.” He said coolly as he browsed through a rack of beautiful dresses displayed near the shop counter.
“You can’t simply decide things like that! You should at least ask me first!”
Alex took no notice. Lily was starting to think that he was up to something. This was just too sudden!
“Hello, Mr Beddington. Are you looking for a dress today?”
A voice came from behind them. They both turned around and came to face a tall and slender woman wearing stylish clothing. She had the most charming smile Lily had ever seen. She also thought she had seen that woman’s face somewhere before, but she wasn’t sure when and where.
“Hello, Vanessa. I’m looking for the most latest and beautiful dress you have fit for a dinner party. I want it this girl’s size.” Alex described. It seemed that the two are well acquainted, Lily thought. Well no wonder, Alex must have come here numerous times before, judging by the way he spoke to her just now. The woman he called Vanessa stared towards her with quite a surprised face. The smile she gave Alex earlier sort of faded when Alex mentioned “I want it this girl’s size”. Lily suddenly felt annoyed. Vanessa must have not expected Alex’s ‘girlfriend’ to be someone messy and medium-looking like her.
‘Err, okay. I’ll bring them here in a while.” Said Vanessa and walked away towards a door that had a sign ‘Authorised Personnel Only’ written on it. Lily crossed her arms, trying really hard to control her temper.
“I don’t need all this. I’m not going to your friend’s party, whether you like it or not. I am not your girlfriend!” She grumbled. Alex, having nothing else to do to occupy himself, finally turned to face her. He looked really stern; she could see veins popping out on his forehead.
“Look here, you noisy lady, can you please stop being so persistent and just do as I tell you?! I’m trying real hard not to get into a fight with you but you just can’t stop pissing me off, don’t you?” he snapped. Lily gazed into his eyes sorely.
“Who do you think you are, trying to tell me what to do? I never agreed on becoming your girlfriend. I thought the deal was supposed to be a payment for your so-called ruined Jaguar!”
“Of course, I forgot that you’re the richest girl in the world. I should have let you pay cash instead.” Alex replied with a mocking tone.
“Don’t talk to me like that, moron! This deal you made is not fair. It’s one-sided and it’s crazy! You expect me to do as you say after running over my bicycle and causing a cut on my pay-check?? Nonsense!”
“Of course it’s not one-sided! What do you call this then? Me taking you to an expensive boutique and buying you an expensive clothing, isn’t this a fortune to you?!”
That was just too much for Lily. She couldn’t contain her anger any longer, and, with one deep breath, she lifted her hands and sent her palms flying onto his cheeks. SLAP!
To Be Continued...
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